AI & Visualization

Blockchain & AI Increase Success & Reduce Risks in Exploration

Beyond Explorations is working on a Super Intelligent Multi-Level Data System that uses satellite data and other relevant location data.

We use blockchain technology to combine Satellite data and, for example, data from Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) or Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS). ALS is very interesting because it helped detect structures in Portus, Rome’s ancient harbor.

Our data combines geoscience, mining, astronomy, weather, and various other data sets. AI and Machine Learning algorithms help interpret the data; the algorithms depend on the location and data sets. Using different data sets helps reduce the exploration risks and contributes to higher exploration success rates. Please click here to find the schema for using Convolutional Neural Networks on Satellite Data.

Blockchain technology helps integrate information and develop data analysis tools. Various algorithms are used to verify multi-layer data in the data ledgers. AI is used to iteratively visualize and debug results and adjust layers of the model as well as train Convolutional Neural Networks, CNNs.

The European Satellite Agency (ESA) project: Blockchain for Space Activities (BC4SA) shows how blockchain technology can verify the integrity of the petabytes of Earth Observation data sets; the data will continue to grow from Copernicus and other programs. The February 2020 BC4SA Report is available from this link.

In 2019, The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) formed the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Domain Working Group (DWG) to study the requirements for geospatial standardization within blockchain technology. This WG believes there is a need for standards because any poorly encoded geographic information will remain in a distributed ledger for as long as it is in use.

Our models could also be used in agriculture. Farmers use hyperspectral or multispectral sensors to take pictures of crops and analyze the images to determine their health. Comparing images from different locations, over different time periods can help predict the viability of seeds to be sown.

Machine Learning and AI help integrate data and knowledge from various disciplines to make new discoveries. The algorithms are customized to detect features in locations of interest.

Beyond Explorations is developing key data models about ancient mines and treasure cities in Egypt using satellite, geologic, aerial, and astronomical data. We are evaluating the area around Memphis, Tanis, and Abydos to identify their locations.

Calculating Earth Axial Precession is important in exploring archaeological sites, and dating their historical alignments.

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